Past events

Self Investigation 1.9.2024

Swami Sarvapriyananda visited Helsinki, Finland on Tuesday, August 13, 2024. It was great to meet Swamiji live and have a private interview with him.

The topic was ‘Silence’ and what it means from the point of view of Advaita Vedanta. In addition, Swami guided an awareness exercise with us.

We filmed our meeting, and it has been published on our Self Investigation website and YouTube channel.

Swami was in Finland at the invitation of the Helsinki Vedanta Association, and he gave a lecture on Tuesday evening at Helsinki’s Oodi library. The topic was ‘Consciousness, The Ultimate Reality‘.

More than 200 people participated!

Self Investigation 19.5.2024

David Godman was our Self Investigation Zoom guest on Sun 5/19/2024. The event was in Q&A format where David was asked questions about Sri Ramana Maharshi and his teachings. A large part of the questions had been sent in advance. 

 We had a nice group of people and everyone seemed to be genuinely interested in Sri Ramana’s teachings and of course it was a joy for us to have David Godman to tell various stories that illuminated the teachings excellently.

Self Investigation 28.4.2024

The Self Investigation Zoom gathering was on Sunday, April 28th, 2024, from 4 to 6 p.m. We continued our curriculum with the verse 14 of the work ‘Nan Yar?’, ‘Who am I?’, discussing the content freely. We had a very nice meeting with participants from America, England, Finland and India.

The purpose of self-investigation is to find out where this “I” comes from and thus abide to its source.

The next Self Investigation gathering will be on Sunday the 19th of May, 2024 at 4 p.m.

Self Investigation 24.3.2024

The Self Investigation Zoom gathering was on Sunday, March 24th, 2024, from 4 to 7 p.m. We continued our curriculum with the verses 12 and 13 of the work ‘Nan Yar?’, ‘Who am I?’, discussing the content freely.

The purpose of self-investigation is to find out where this “I” comes from and thus abide to its source.

The next Self Investigation gathering will be on Sunday the 28th of April, 2024 at 4 p.m.

Self Investigation 19.11.2023

The Self Investigation gathering was on Sunday, October 19, 2023, from 4 to 8 p.m. at Uudenmaankatu 33, Helsinki.

The program started with a quiet moment (10 min), after which we watched David Godman’s video  ‘Who am I?’, discussing the content freely.

The purpose of self-investigation is to find out where this “I” comes from and thus abide to its source.

The evening was crowned with a delicious Indian dinner!

Self Investigation 29.10.2023

The Self Investigation gathering was on Sunday, October 29, 2023, from 4 to 8 p.m. at Uudenmaankatu 33, Helsinki. The program started with a quiet moment (10 min), after which we continued our curriculum with the verses of the work ‘Nan Yar?’, ‘Who am I?’, discussing the content freely.

The purpose of self-investigation is to find out where this “I” comes from and thus abide to its source.

The next Self Investigation gathering will be on Sunday the 19th of November, 2023 at 4 p.m.

Self Investigation 17.9.2023

The Self Investigation gathering was on Sunday, September 17, 2023, from 4 to 8 p.m. at Uudenmaankatu 33, Helsinki. The program started with a quiet moment (10 min), after which we continued our curriculum with the 9-11 verses of the work ‘Nan Yar?’, ‘Who am I?’, discussing the content freely.

The purpose of self-investigation is to find out where this “I” comes from and thus abide to its source.

The next Self Investigation gathering will be on Sunday the 29th of October, 2023 at 4 p.m.

Self Investigation 27.8.2023

The first Self Investigation gathering in fall was on Sunday, August 27, 2023, from 4 to 8 p.m. at Uudenmaankatu 33, Helsinki. The program started with a quiet moment (10 min), after which we continued our curriculum with the 7-8 verses of the work ‘Nan Yar?’, ‘Who am I?’, discussing their content freely.

The purpose of self investigation is to find out where this “I” comes from and thus abide to its source.

The evening culminated in an Indian dinner! The next Self Investigation gathering will be on Sunday the 17th of September, 2023 at 4 p.m.

Self Investigation 28.5.2023

The last Self Investigation gathering of the spring season was on Sunday, May 28, 2023, from 4 to 8 p.m. at Uudenmaankatu 33, Helsinki. The program started with a quiet moment (10 min), after which we continued our curriculum with the 5-6 stanzas of the work ‘Nan Yar?’, ‘Who am I?’, discussing their content freely. The verses tell how the ‘I’ thought is the basis of all other thoughts and without which other thoughts cannot exist. The purpose of self investigation is to find out where this “I” comes from and thus abide to its source.

Before the bhajans, we watched David Godman’s video ‘Self Enquiry’. The evening culminated in an Indian dinner! The next Self Investigation gathering will be after the summer break on August 27, 2023 at 4 p.m.

Self Investigation 1.5.2023 Zoom/YouTube live

We had our very special evening with guests Swami Sarvapriyananda and Michael James who discussed about the essence of Advaita Vedanta and the teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi and how to put these teachings into practice. The event was broadcasted live on Zoom/YouTube and reached hundreds of participants. The discussion brought up many interesting and deep insights about the true core of Advaita and how Sri Ramana has given a easy but also subtle practice of self investigation. In the end this is the only practice to eleminate the ego which seems to exist if not investigated.

Self Investigation 23.4.2023

The Self Investigation gathering was on April 23, 2023 at Uudenmaankatu 33, Helsinki. There were eight of us this time.

We started with a traditional moment of silence for 10 minutes, after which we continued with Sri Ramana Maharshi’s teachings. Next was the Fifth verse of ‘Nan Yar?, Who am I?’ It further dealt with the mind and how the I-thought underlies all other thoughts as the core thought to which all other thoughts relate. This stimulated a fruitful discussion, which brought out many different perspectives on the topic. In addition, we had Harry Tuominen as our guest, who brought his own point of view to the fore when representing the ‘A Course in Miracles’ philosophy.

We also did the awareness exercise presented by Swami Sarvapriyananda. It was a good reminder of how to have a conscious experience that consciousness is essentially our true being, regardless of whether we have sensory perceptions or whether we are awake, asleep, or in deep sleep.

After that, we sang bhajans for a few songs and at the end had a short quiet moment, after which we continued the conversation in a free form on the coffee side.

The next Self Investigation gathering is on May 28, 2023 at 4 p.m.

Self Investigation 26.3.2023

Our Self Investigation gathering was held on March the 26th, 2023 at Uudenmaankatu 33, Helsinki. There were a good dozen participants.

We started with a traditional moment of silence for 10 minutes, after which we continued with Sri Ramana Maharshi’s teachings. Next was the third paragraph of ‘Nan Yar?, Who am I?’ It dealt with the existence of the mind and how when the mind subsides back to its original source, the self, the world of phenomena also disappears with it. This stimulated a really fruitful discussion, which brought out many different perspectives on the topic.

As a new thing in the program, we had a consciousness exercise presented by Swami Sarvapriyananda, which we did for the first time. It was a good way to have a conscious experience of how awareness is fundamentally our true being, regardless of whether we have sensory perceptions or whether we are awake, asleep, or in deep sleep.

After that, we sang bhajans and at the end had a short moment of silence, after which we continued the conversation in a free form enjoying coffee, tea and snacks.

The next Self Investigation gathering is on April 23rd, 2023 at 4 p.m.

Self Investigation 26.2.2023

Our Self Investigation gathering was on Sunday the 26th of February 2023 at Uudenmaankatu, Helsinki. There were again a good number of participants and we continued with Sri Ramana’s teachings from the book ‘Nan Yar?‘, ‘Who am I?’ from the second verse. Before that we recalled the previous verse and watched the related video by Michael James.

The second verse involves the removal of those things which are not “I”, such as body, life force (prana), mind, intellect and will. This is how we begin self investigation by examining who or what we are not, to know what are true nature actually is.

We will continue working on the work at the next gathering on Sunday, the 26th of March, 2023 at 4 p.m.

Self Investigation 29.1.2023

The Self Investigation gathering was live on Sunday, January 29, 2023, after a long brake, on Uudenmaankatu, Helsinki. There were a gratifyingly large number of participants at our first meeting as an official association! It says that a live, physical gathering has been longed for and awaited for a couple of years instead of Zoom remote meetings.

The program started traditionally with a quiet moment at the beginning, after which we got down to the curriculum. We intend to thoroughly go through the core teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi (‘Nan Yar?’, ‘Ulladu Narpadu’, ‘Updesa Undiyar’) and thus gain a deeper understanding of self investigation also as a practical exercise.

We started with the first stanza of ‘Nan Yar?’, ‘Who am I?’ It led to a great and deep conversation, during which we got to hear interesting views about what happiness is and how we could be permanently happy regardless of external circumstances or the fulfillment of current wishes.

We will continue working on the work at the next meeting, which will be on Sunday 26 February 2023 at 4 pm.

Self Investigation society 11.11.2022

We have established an association called ‘Itsetutkimus’ (Self Investigation registered society). We do not seek any kind of financial gain and we do not charge a membership fee at the moment. Participation in future gatherings is free, but if we incur expenses, e.g. in terms of space rentals and/or offers, then a voluntary offertory is of course preferable.

The purpose of the society is to continue our Self Investigation activities and gatherings a little more regularly and to add studies where we review, for example, the most important teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi, ‘Nan Yar? (Who am I?), ‘Ulladu Narpadu’ (40 stanzas of reality) and ‘Upadesa Undiyar’ (Essence of Spiritual Teachings).

We have been meeting live or remotely for about six years now and we feel it is necessary to take our activities a little deeper into the actual teachings and practicing self investigation. Although self investigation, like virtually all spiritual methods, is an individual path, sharing experiences along the way is felt to be beneficial. In addition, we can learn from each other and get different perspectives on our own practices.

I will inform later about our gatherings.

Self Investigation May 28th 2022

We had the pleasure of having Swami Sarvapriyananda  as our special guest, who is the minister and spiritual leader of  the Vedanta Society of New York and one of the best-known scholars and lecturers on Advaita Vedanta in the world of our time. We talked about the basic principals and teachings of Advaita Vedanta.

Self Investigation May 20th 2022

Our Self Investigation Zoom meeting was on Friday, the 20th of May 2022.

We had the pleasure of having Rupert Spira as our special guest, who is one of the best-known scholars and lecturers on non-duality in the world of our time.

Our topics included how to be  aware of our ‘being’, the ‘I am’ without giving it any attributes and we also talked  about the similarities or differences of dream and the waking state.

Self Investigation April 23rd 2022

Self Investigation Zoom meeting was held on Saturday, April 23, 2022.We had the pleasure and honor of having Michael James as our guest again, who has studied and practiced the teachings of Sri Ramana for nearly 50 years.

Website: Michael James

The topics this time were the three states we experience, waking, dream and deep sleep, and the core message of the teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi.Finally, Michael told us about the collaboration between him and Sadhu Om and what were the main Tamil works by Bhagavan they worked on and translated into English.

Self Investigation January 22nd 2022

Our Self Investigation Zoom gathering was on the 22nd of January. We had David Godman as our guest and we talked about Nisargadatta Maharaj and Sri Ramana Maharshi. Other topics included surrender and free will.

Self Investigation September 26th 2021

The Self Investigation Zoom gathering was held on Sunday, September 26th. We had David Godman as our special guest. 


The subject was Sri Ramana Maharshi and his teachings.

Self Investigation August 29th 2021

Self Investigation Zoom gathering was held on Sunday, the 29th of August. We had Taavi Kassila as our special guest. Our topic was Advaita Vedanta. 

Self Investigation May 23rd 2021

Self-Investigation Zoom gathering was held on Sunday, the 23rd of May.We had Michael James as our special guest.Our topic this time was vairagya and Bhakti.

Self Investigation April 25th 2021

Self-Investigation Zoom gathering was held on Sunday, April 25th.We went through Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi’s main teachings from the ‘Nan Yar?, Who am I?’ booklet.Everybody agreed that this work should be studied regularly because of it’s simple but yet very deep meaning.

Self Investigation March 28th 2021

Self-Investigation Zoom gathering was held on Sunday, March 28th.We had an open discussion evening with topics including self-investigation, surrender and Advaita Vedanta.

Self Investigation February 28th 2021

Self-Investigation Zoom gathering was held on Sunday, February 28th.We had Michael James as our guest.The topics of discussion were the pursuit of self-investigation, surrender, and the existence of free will.

Self Investigation January 24th 2021

We had our first Self-Investigation gathering on Zoom in January 24, 2021.The event was a success and David Godman also said he enjoyed the good questions and the relaxed atmosphere.