Who am I?

This question has probably come up for everyone at some point in their lives. Who am I, what is the purpose of everything, why was I born? In my opinion, self-knowledge can be divided into three parts, which differ from each other essentially. We often hear it said “I’ve been studying myself a lot lately”. The changes in life create a need in us to reflect on who we are and how we have lived in this world. And what happens after death, is it all over when the body disappears?
Knowing oneself is usually understood as knowing one’s own personality. Character traits, learned and inherited habits and concepts. What we have learned along the way, from which we have formed “my life”, which has its history.
Then there is introspection, which can be considered an assessment of one’s life lived or not lived. What was done or what was not done. Have I achieved the goals and ideals that I wanted and dreamed about? What did I grow up to be? And what are my relationships, family and work life like? Am I satisfied or dissatisfied with myself?
Self-investigation differs from other spiritual methods in that in all other methods the subject and object relationship is maintained. In self-investigation there is only a subject, “I”, whose origin or source is traced. Even if we have no certainty about anything else, no one can deny their own existence. But who exists, where does this sense of “I” come from? Paying attention to this is the basis of self-investigation. When we dig deeper and deeper, we find no “I”, but being-awareness-bliss as our true nature.
Swami Sarvapriyananda - Practice for oneness
Taken from Vedanta Taken from Vedanta New York YouTube video titled ‘Ask Swami with Swami Sarvapriyananda’ Feb 26th, 2023.
This is a video clip with a simple but effective practice to find out and realize the oneness of our real nature as consciousness-being-bliss.