Self Investigation society

We have founded an association called ’Itsetutkimus’ (Self Investigation society) on February 1, 2023.
The purpose of the association is to continue our Self Investigation activities and gatherings a little more regularly and to add studies where we review, for example, the most important teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi, ’Nan Yar? (Who am I?), ’Ulladu Narpadu’ (of 40 stanzas) and ’Upadesa Undiyar’ (Essence of Spiritual Teachings).
We’ve been meeting live or remotely in Zoom from 2016. Although self investigation, like virtually all spiritual methods, is an individual path, sharing experiences along the way is felt to be beneficial. In addition, we can learn from each other and get different perspectives on our own training.
If Advaita Vedanta and the teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi are of interest to you, you are warmly welcome to join the Self Investigation society as a member.
Board members
Jussi Penttinen
Timo Päivänsalo
Olena Kyrychenko
Board member
Sirpa-Veronica Aalto
Membership of Self Investigation society
If you want to become a member of our society and thus support our activities, you can do so by paying an annual fee of €30.
It entitles you to all our events for free as well as to participate in other benefits, about which you can get more information from me.
We will meet live again from autumn 2024 once a month at Uudenmaankatu 33, Helsinki.
More detailed dates and times can be found on our website in the ”Upcoming events” section.
Self Investigation society membership fee information:
Account number: FI05 5723 0221 1012 36
Reference: Self Investigation society membership fee
Amount: €30/year
Self Investigation society rules (in Finnish):